Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problems of intercultural communication in the era of globalization. The possibilities of dialogue and communication in the context of opposition to the theory of globalism, national ideology and national values are considered. The paper analyzes the opportunity of the existence of the so-called "universal" values, the potential of their combination and coexistence with traditional and national values. The article substantiates the interference in the affairs of other states of safe democratic values, leads not only to a poor standard of living of these states but also to the denial of the very idea of "democracy". In modern conditions of economic and, above all, financial globalization, the social self-determination of states, their elaboration of sustainable development goals and means of achieving them, will play an important role. This is the task of ideology, which must be rationally substantiated before its concrete implementation. Only in this case fruitful communication and dialogue between countries are possible. The paper points out that the very concept of "globalization" is often interpreted in completely different ways, there is no scientific approach to its measurement. The national idea, however, cannot rely on abstractions that cannot be realized with the benefit of society. The paper concludes that the clash of civilizations and ideological rapprochement are temporary phenomena and, although multidirectional, but also mutually conditioned. It is on this basis that intercultural communication between states and representatives of different civilizations should be built, even despite the differences in valuation approaches.

communication, communication problems, intercultural communications, intercultural dialogue, mondialism, ideology, national ideology, values, tolerance, liberalism, problems of socio-economic development, social sphere, multinational company (MNC), civilization

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