Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the development of the practice of applying the procedures of professional and public accreditation of educational programs in the field of human resource management. An overview of the regulatory and methodological framework for conducting accreditation examinations is presented. The key issues of interaction between the Council for Professional Qualifications, the accrediting and educational organization are identified, their content is disclosed and recommendations for educational organizations on preparing for the accreditation examination are presented. The article presents an analysis of the main advantages that educational organizations receive when conducting professional-public accreditation of educational programs and the reasons for their resistance, among which a low level of awareness of the accreditation procedure, the benefits of its implementation in the short and long term, is highlighted. A number of prospects for the development of professional-public accreditation and the use of its results have been substantiated, which can contribute to an increase in the interest of participants in the educational services market.

professional and public accreditation, national qualifications system, educational programs, accreditation expertise

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