Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The issues of the need to take into account the requirements of professional standards in the higher education system are highlighted and considered in order to harmonize the relationship between the labor market and the sphere of vocational education. The characteristics of the work program of the discipline are analyzed in the context of updating the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in connection with changes in the organizational and content component of higher education in Russia. The main attention is paid to the problem of using active teaching methods that contribute to the formation and development of practice-oriented competencies of students. Based on the study of materials on various approaches to ensuring the effectiveness of practice-oriented learning, the significant role of business games has been established. Consideration of a business game as a simulation model of a real professional and life situation is proposed. The functions and structure of the business game are highlighted. The specificity of pedagogical design as a systematic approach to the formation of a curriculum is considered, as well as the ADDIE model, which is used as a universal approach to the development of an educational resource. The main results of using the ADDIE model in the development and implementation of a business game in the discipline of the variable block of the curriculum of the bachelor's educational program "Personnel Management" are presented.

practice-oriented learning, design of educational activities, discipline curriculum, business game, Instructionai design, ADDIE model

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