graduate student
, Russian Federation
During the period of coronavirus restrictions, the issue of staff stability is of particular importance, and, as a result, the management of staff turnover. In the difficult economic situation caused by the pandemic, employers had to not only keep the team, not allowing massive layoffs, but also retain valuable workers. We conducted a survey among the quitting employees in the branches of the Volga Macroregion of the Russian Post. Based on the data obtained, the reasons for dismissal were analyzed during the period of restrictive government measures in connection with the spread of COVID-19 and immediately after the lifting of severe restrictions. The main trends in changes in employee behavior during a pandemic and their impact on staff turnover have been identified. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made: - employees of the organization, in the context of instability in the country caused by COVID-19, are less likely to decide on layoffs, but they still occur, even in such a difficult period of a pandemic and rising unemployment and increase sharply after the lifting of severe restrictions; - the main reasons for dismissal are still "insufficient wages" and "high intensity of work, heavy physical activity", while the reasons of an everyday nature that can be endured are fading into the background. Thus, an employee makes a decision to dismiss if he is not satisfied with materially significant working conditions; - due to the peculiarities of the age structure of the organization, the change in the turnover rate, both during severe restrictions and after their relaxation, is not affected by the number of employees leaving the company due to retirement, which changes insignificantly from month to month.
staff adaptation, staff turnover, staff training, human resources, staff, staff management, pandemic, COVID-19
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