Objective: to study the indicators of government support for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and identify problems in their development. Methods: observation, summarisation, comparative analysis. Results: Based on the theoretical material from the historical tour, the specifics of development and problems of insufficient government funding for small and medium-sized businesses were identified. The indicators for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia make it possible to identify the dynamics and prospects for allocating resources to support SMEs Scientific novelty: for the first time the paper analyzes such a wide range of factors that affect the identification of the causes of under-financing of SMEs. Practical significance: the main point and conclusions of the article can be used in the introduction of initiatives that allow optimising measures to support SMEs.
SME support, state support, contribution to the economy of the country/region, increase/decrease in GDP
1. 10.29013/AJH-21-1.2-53-61
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