Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the research in theory and practice on the problem of professional burnout, which can contribute to the professional deformation of the personality, which leads to a distortion of the personal qualities of a specialist, if one does not take into account the peculiarities of a person's self-attitude, in particular in professional activity. These indicators will indicate the degree of development of personal reflexivity, which allows a person not only to analyze experienced events, but to form a further effective model of behavior. The authors present the results of an empirical study on the study of the relationship between professional deformation and self-attitude and personality reflexivity among employees of the National Media Group, in addition, differences in the average indicators of the degree of professional deformation, in the context of professional burnout, and elements of personality self-attitude among employees of NMH are proved. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed in the first group (HR department) the presence of an inverse relationship between the scale of “depersonalization” and the scale of autosympathy, as well as between “emotional exhaustion” and the scale of “self-confidence”. The respondents of the second group (development department) are characterized by the presence of a direct correlation between the scale of "reduction of professionalism" and "autosympathy".

professional deformation, self-attitude, personality reflexivity, the degree of professional burnout, its structure, procrastination, correlations on the scales

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