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Abstract (English):
Objective: analysis of artistic images and archetypes that define Kazakh national traditions in the work of contemporary Kazakh surrealist artists. The research methodology assumes the unity of such methodological approaches as cultural-philosophical, comparative analysis method, and generalization method. Results: A scientific and artistic analysis of the works of contemporary Kazakhstani surrealist artists has been carried out. Almost all the works of the surrealists are aimed at revealing the deepest secrets of the human soul. They shook everyone’s inner self and allowed them to look their fears and ghosts straight in the eye. This is one of the reasons why interest in the work of the surrealists is still growing. In the era of modern globalization, when the country seeks to rethink its original culture and form a national idea and ideology, one of the most pressing problems of the modern era is the study of the origins and nature of our national traditional art. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the concept of “surrealism” is represented to the beyond, located somewhere in the deepest layers of the unconscious of each individual, as “a universal feature that permeates all that exists and exists before the appearance of humanity. The important structural features of the concepts “shanyrak”, “mazar”, “balbal” in traditional art in relation to Kazakh culture are analyzed. Practical significance: the main results and conclusions of the paper can be in lecture materials, at seminars and practical exercises in higher humanitarian educational institutions.

art criticism, archetypes, symbolism, tradition, culture, image, surrealism
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