Objective: Determine the influence of modern mass media discourse on the communicative system of the language. Methods: comparison, generalization, observation, system analysis, data grouping, theoretical knowledge, as well as the analogy method. Results: based on the analysis of literature sources, the place of modern mass-medial discourse in the communicative system of the language was revealed, the specificity of transformation processes in the communicative system of the language was determined, functional and stylistic features of mass-media discourse, which had linguistic and stylistic originality, were substantiated; the promising directions of development of the communicative system of the language are determined. Scientific novelty: for the first time, on the basis of a complex of the presented methods, the influence of modern mass-media discourse on the communicative system of the language and the transformation processes associated with it is investigated. The novelty of the research also lies in the clarification and expansion of scientific approaches to understanding the systemic typological characteristics in the aspect of modern stylistics, textology and discourseology, as well as in identifying functional and stylistic features of mass media discourse as a variant of the discourse of Internet communications, which has a linguistic and stylistic originality, a special polycode, also in the fact that systematized materials on the theory of multimedia help to identify new promising areas of research into this phenomenon and its problematic aspects. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and practical pedagogical activities, in the activities of practicing journalists in the study of applied issues of the development of social networks, internet journalism. The practical value also lies in the possibility of using its results and conclusions in lecture and practical courses on the language and style of media, journalism, social networks, mass communication, especially in innovative special courses on the latest online journalism and media research, as well as in special courses on modern genre features of media texts. The materials can be useful for practicing journalists on the Internet.
mass media discourse, communicative language system, information space, Internet communications
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