Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to make lexical and semantic analysis of motif of wonder in the author’s narration of N. V. Gogol’s tale «May Night, or the Drowned Maiden», presented by the observer’s speech. Methods: cognitive analysis of the author’s narrative is the leading research method; statistical computation, semantic analysis and systematization are supplementary methods. Results: a relation between the motif and the author’s narrative move is discovered; language means of lexical and semantic fields of motif are analyzed; the relationship of the motif of wonder as the leading motif with the secondary motives - the fear and the time of day - is reflected; the functions of the motif of wonder are specified. Scientific novelty: improving methods for analyzing a motif in fiction. Practical significance: research results can be used for analyzing N. V. Gogol’s novelism as well as the motif organization and the author’s narration of a literary text.

literary text, motif, motif organization, lexical and thematic group, author’s narration
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