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Abstract (English):
July 6, 2021 dates 30 years since the appearance of the first law on local self-government in the modern history of Russia. Over the past period, the Russian state and the Russian legal system have undergone a difficult path to modernization of the legislation on local self-government and its approbation to actual reality. During this historical period, Russian Federation adopted the Constitution, the text of which was significantly transformed in 2020; local self-government, in addition to the mentioned law of 1991, incorporated all the «joys and hardships» from the federal laws «On General Principles of the organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation» of 1995 and 2003. This article presents a comparative legal analysis of certain provisions of federal laws on local selfgovernment, which have been regulating for 30 years at the level of the federal legislator the issues of local self-government in the Russian Federation as one of the fundamental constitutional values of modern democratic states. The author makes a disappointing conclusion that the named constitutional value has been significantly changed both in form and content over the past historical period of the development of the Russian statehood. This predetermined the situation of «crisis» of the current state of local self-government in the Russian Federation and the possibility of its «dissolution» with the emergence of a constitutional category «a unified system of public power».

constitutional values, municipal law, local self-government, issues of local significance, local self-government bodies, the economic basis of local self-government
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