Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article contains a quantitative analysis of the camera market and discloses the possibilities of comprehensive application of quantitative analysis and theoretical game modeling in the practice of making decisions in the field of the photo industry. It is noted that almost any phenomenon in the financial and economic sphere requires a thorough and comprehensive assessment, and the method of analyzing data in the form of dynamic series and theoretical and game models is most in demand in the conditions of actualization of risks of various nature. It is shown that the analysis of the dynamic series allows you to evaluate and predict the development of the economic situation, to form recommendations for making managerial decisions. Particular attention is paid to the construction and analysis of the basic game model of the manufacturer's choice of camera equipment for the time of launch of products to the market, taking into account projected demand. The inclusion of the risk factor in the process of quantitative analysis of the camera market helps to improve the quality of decisions made, in particular when choosing marketing strategies.
quantitative analysis, econometrics, game theory, game model, dynamic series, camera market, demand volatility
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