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Abstract (English):
It is indeed a great misnomer to analyze the dimensions of academic capitalism with the steady rise of entrepreneurial university in line with Western educational policies. It has been a long journey in emerging underdeveloped economies has given the dream of the next superpower where entrepreneurial universities are a very recent concept of post-liberal economy, change in governmental practices and bureaucratic affairs. This has led to a stronger innovation landscape of industry-education-government nexus in building the nation. Recent years have seen the great crisis of COVID-19 pandemic which has changed the ideologies and theoretical models underlying economically well-off states and the velocity of money circulation. Amidst the huge amount of literature in entrepreneurial university studies, very little work has been done which answers the very pertinent question and covers the research gap. Namely, how the Triple Helix model arrived in India and how the central government in India dramatically changed its beliefs by inheriting such a model in its innovation practices. The model that championed the cause of bringing about new products, economic welfare and product development. These transformed India's idea of being an importer of healthcare facilities to becoming an expert and exporter of medical facilities, thus completely reversing the cycle of trade and global logistics in healthcare economic practices. This paper works on such an exploratory case study concerning India's success story in employing triple helix model of innovation in national policy practices and world economy.

world economy, entrepreneurial university, disruptive innovation, crisis, Indian national policy
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