Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses new approaches to communication studies, which integrates theory and practice of communication. The education environment is a prolific sphere of the study and implementation of new types and modes of communication in the digital space. The investigation considers the advantages of using podcasts both for self-study of the material by students, and the creation and uploading video materials to the Internet. The main objective of this article is to explore the man difficulties and advantages of the new approach to teaching English for Special Purposes (ESP). With the increase of hours allocated for independent work of public relations (PR) undergraduates, it is necessary to give them creative tasks that contribute to the development of 6Cs (6 competencies) necessary for their future profession in the 21st century. Research methods include a complex analysis of the information technologies (IT) content of modern education with regard to unbiased perception and material representation. The results of the study have demonstrated, that uploading podcasts to video-hosting sites motivates the PR undergraduates to learn English, causes engagement, encourages them to pay more attention to the pronunciation, enlarges their vocabulary and improves their grammar, which contributes to the effective learning of ESP. The activities of undergraduates of the Humanities in English classes, as well as during independent work, can be recorded by technical means and posted on the Internet for further evaluation by both teachers and classmates, as well as by a wider mass audience in the digital space.

communication studies, ESP, video podcasts, digital environment

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