Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work is to substantiate the possibility of using multidisciplinary visualization tools in the educational process based on a logical-semantic scheme (LSS), which acts as a methodological platform for building a system of automated support for engineering decisions in designing technological equipment. An interactive learning environment is examined, which, by actively interacting with students, significantly increases the effectiveness, being able to accommodate and coordinate together more multidisciplinary information. In a visual version, the characteristics of the technologization means are presented, in conditions of computerization having logical and semantic schemes about the studied subject area, and an example of a multidisciplinary presentation of a course for students on designing heater plates for injection molding of plastics is considered. A diagram is presented that illustrates the current state of theoretical knowledge. It allows visualizing the basic concepts, formation, structure and arrangement of the stated knowledge for students. It clearly shows the cause-and-effect relationship. This, on the one hand, makes it easier for a young specialist to understand the knowledge being studied, and on the other hand, it allows having deeper understanding of the design of technological equipment.

educational process, knowledge visualization, interactive learning environment, logical-semantic scheme, approach to teaching the design of technological equipment (TE) based on LSS

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