Today the formalization of the description of the evolving system doesn’t exist in biology. But if a biosystem is described by a state vector x=x(t)=(x1, x2, …, xm)T in multidimensional phase space, notions of speed and acceleration for the description of quasi-attractor’s motion can be introduced. Vector x(t) moves constantly and chaotically inside the quasi-attractor, i.e. dx/dt≠0 is constant. With age these quasi-attractors show translational motion in phase space for which the model as an dx/dt=(a-bx)x is created and speed V=dx/dt and acceleration a=dV/dt are determined for evolution of biosystems. The current paper presents concrete examples of age-related changes of quasi-attractor’s parameters (two-dimensional phase space) that should be considered as an evolution of vector of cardiorespiratory system in six-dimensional phase space. Models of such dynamics are discussed according to quasi-attractor’s parameters that allow to calculating speed and acceleration of evolution in some integrative values.
biosystem, the phase space of states, evolution.
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