doctoral candidate
Surgut, Surgutskiy gosuniversitet, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Surgut, Tyumen, Russian Federation
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that today doing business without digitalization is simply impossible, thanks to new technologies, operations have appeared that ten years ago we could not even imagine, and many of the familiar ones, in turn, have been transformed beyond recognition. At the same time, with the growth of the technological complex, corporate architectures continue to rapidly become more complex. The purpose of this study is to develop tools for managing complexity as one of the components of the VUCA world. The experience and evidence of why the leaders of digital transformation need to change their thinking are presented, the author's interpretation of complexity is given and how to manage it. The practical significance of the study will allow organizations to develop a strategy for the formation of a corporate culture in the context of digitalization of business processes.
digital transformation, complexity management, corporate architecture, thinking, corporate culture
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