Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a brief overview of recent linguistic and methodological studies, reveals the communicative orientation of dissertations in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Russian language, RFL), and demonstrates their scientific and methodological potential. In the modern socio-cultural situation, the development of the methodology of teaching the Russian language is facilitated by the reliance of researchers on the achievements of related sciences: psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics, ethnomethodics, cognitive linguistics. The article stressed that it was vital to increase the motivation of students to learn the native language and RFL, take into account the wide possibilities of new information technologies in teaching the Russian language to create new educational content, which reflected a new time. In determining the topic of modern dissertation research, there is often a technological component that acts as an innovative means of solving the problem (based on corpus technologies, using visual supports, using interactive forms, based on Internet technologies that received an impetus for development during the pandemic, using media texts, based on Internet television programs, etc.). Presented in the dissertation research model of teaching the Russian language are offered, drawing on personal resources of students expressed interest in the culture of the country of the target language and its society, the ability to map a foreign culture with their own, in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. The analysis of dissertations shows their correlation with the society's demands for a socially adapted, communicative and well-off person who fully speaks the Russian language.

Russian, Russian as a foreign language (RFL), communication skills, dialogue of cultures, cultural component, communicative competence, written utterance, intercultural communication skills, intercultural communicative competence, oral and speech skills, intercultural professional communication, formation of a linguistic personality, modern trends and dominants, dissertations, scientific and methodological potential, scientific generalization

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