graduate student
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Subject. Dental diseases are a frequent companion of distress, since the negative impact of psychoemotional stress on the immune status of cadets is reflected in changes in the microflora of the oral cavity and periodontal [4, 9]. The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of using the developed gel for the preven-tion and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases in cadets who are under psychoemotional stress. Methodology. The group of examined persons consisted of 245 people-cadets of 1–4 courses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. After the dental exami-nation, the cadets were divided into 2 groups: 26 cadets were found to have gingivi-tis/periodontitis of mild severity (group I), and 45 cadets without periodontal lesions (group II) served as a comparison group. The study included psychological testing, clarification of the state of their vegetative reactions and cortisol content in saliva, molecular genetic deter-mination of the composition of the most common periodontal pathogenic bacteria of the dentoalveolar furrow and enzyme immunoassay of the content of pro-inflammatory cytokines in saliva, cell-regulatory and immunosuppressive effects. Results.The application of the gel helps to correct the phenomena of depression, while it affects the frequency of relapses of diseases.The effect of the application on the frequency of detection of periodontal pathogenic bacteria in cadets is manifested in relation to Tanerella forsythia and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in the absence of depression, but in the presence of periodontal lesions. When the phenomena of gingivitis/periodontitis of mild se-verity occurred against the background of depression, the effects of using dental gel were in the form of a decrease in the occurrence of these bacteria. There was a significant drop in the oral fluid of IL-12 in the group with depression and periodontal disease, as well as IL-10 in the group without depression, but with mild gingivitis/periodontitis. Conclusions. The developed dental gel is recommended both for the phenomena of de-pression and in cases of mild gingivitis/periodontitis against the background of psychoemotional stress.
periodontal pathogens, cytokines, cortisol, stress, gel
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