Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The authors have published a number of scientific articles devoted to the quality of research of personnel management systems (HRMS) in bachelor's theses. In this article, the authors used the methodological scientific approach in the study of final qualification works (WQP) of bachelor students of the Department of Personnel Management and Psychology of the Ural Federal University (UrFU). The methodological scientific approach is based on a quantitative analysis of the application of the following components of the research methodology: theoretical sources, scientific approaches, principles and methods. In the presented work, the purpose of the study is highlighted, which consists in the qualitative and quantitative application of the main components of the methodology for the study of EMS. In the work, the authors applied research methods: the case-method of bachelor's theses, the classification method in the form of tables. One of the tables presents the concept of "research" by leading experts in the study of control systems and one of the authors of this article. The following table summarizes the results of the study. The study also revealed that most often graduates choose the direction of "staff labor motivation" and "personnel training and development" in the organization for research and improvement of the EMS. According to the results of the study of the FQP of diploma students, there are conclusions, on the basis of which the authors of the article have developed recommendations for students and teachers to improve the writing of thesis on personnel management for bachelors.

methodological approach, study, methodology components

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