Administrative penalties in the jurisdictional activities of traffic police officers of the General Administration for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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Abstract (English):
As the number of traffic accidents rises due to unsatisfactory road conditions, the system of administrative penalties for traffic offenses faces challenges that demand an urgent response, especially since the topic lacks prior research. The author employs logical methods, comparative techniques, and structural analysis to identify the theoretical problems emerging from the application of administrative penalties used by the traffic police officers of the General Administration for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The work follows the historical development of the adminictrative penalties system through the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods of Russian administrative law science. The author considers the main scientific approaches that have influenced the definition of the administrative penalty, taking into special account the sphere of traffic offenses. Drawing from the scholarly dispute author offers an original definition of traffic safety, administrative penalties in the jurisdictional activities of traffic police officers of the General Administration for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The article thoroughly explores the goals of an administrative sentence, its types, characteristics, and structure. Additionally, the author offers new insights on such kinds of penalties as a warning and administrative fine for the traffic offenses uncovered in the course of traffic safety monitoring. Comparing the changes in the administrative penalties in the form of a fine in the Soviet legislation and modern Russian Code of Administrative Offenses, the author reflects upon such principles of law as severity and adequacy of the administrative punishment in the field of traffic offenses. In conclusion, the author suggests improvements to articles 11.21 and 11.22 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offenses, specifically to increase the fines in order to advance the practical relevance of the jurisdictional activities of traffic police officers of the General Administration for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and reduce the accident incidence rate.

administrative responsibility, administrative offense, administrative penalties, administrative fine, road safety, traffic supervision, traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
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