Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The goal of modern specialized training is to increase the human potential – the sustainable development of schoolchildren in the process of becoming professional adaptability – the ability to cope with the challenges of civilization and globalization in production activities, the active introduction of students into socio-economic life, the formation of satisfaction with the process and results of training that create a positive attitude as a factor for ensuring life success both during school education and in later life. Profiling of training is the development of programs aimed at meeting the needs of students in professional self-determination. Algorithmization of training profiling (building of educational material in a scientifically based sequence) it helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process aimed at the formation of social and professional success of students. Scientific expertise of specialized training programs is a mechanism for managing the personal success of students in a specialized school. During the examination, an active qualitative analysis of the didactic materials and educational technologies proposed by the developer takes place, methods of their improvement are recommended. This is the activity essence of pedagogical expertise.

profiling, algorithmization of students' success, sustainable development, human potential, scientific expertise of educational programs

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