Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The creative development of children is only effective when two components are combined in the educational process: the creative detail of children and the creativity of the teacher. Creative activity is a system of certain skills, ways of thinking and activity of children and pedagogic-ha. Each has its own specificity, which is defined by the role of the participant, and the nature of the activities. The democratic nature of education contributes to the development of creative activity of children. It takes a special research and development of practical work forms, methods and techniques of teaching that encourage the development of the child's creative intelligence. The main stimulator of Children is a creative activity of the teacher. Passion in creative activity, expressed how much feeling has a significant impact on the thinking and behavior of all participants in the pedagogical process. The main obstacle to the development of creative learning is its high standardization, which hinders creativity of the teacher.

creative pedagogy, creative teaching, teaching for creativity

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