Chita, Russian Federation
Chita, Russian Federation
Chita, Russian Federation
Chita, Russian Federation
UDK 316 Социология. Социальная психология
Contemporary university education develops professional identity and builds customized academic trajectories. Career guidance technologies provide professional self-awareness and personality professionalization. At university, career guidance work is an integral part of continuous professional development of a future specialist. It covers pre-university education, higher professional education, and employment assistance. The present research featured the career guidance work conducted at the Transbaikal State University. The analysis showed that the current system lacks innovations, cannot solve the employment problem, and does not provide conditions for successful professional identity. The article introduces a set of project conditions of customized career guidance work with 1) applicants, in order to promote a conscious career choice; 2) students, to support their professional competencies and identity; 3) graduates, to facilitate their employment. The proposed comprehensive approach to career guidance will allow the university to improve the academic process and to work with the community from secondary school to the onset of professional activity.
professional orientation, higher school, graduate, mentoring, professional development, employment, employment promotion
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