Differential psychological analysis of the features of psychological stability of the law enforcement officials
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Psychological training of the law enforcement officials focuses on the problem of psychological stability – one of the relevant factors ensuring the development of the psychological resources of the individual, necessary for the police officers in the rough professional conditions. Scientific studies of this problem within the framework of the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of stability have reached a certain limit, and therefore there is an urgent need for differential studies of the features of stable and unstable actors. According to the problem setting, the purpose of the research presented in the article was to determine the personal characteristics of the parameters of the psychological stability of the law enforcement officials. The study sample consisted of the law enforcement officials divided into two groups: stable (n = 49) and unstable (n = 36), in accordance with the differences in the indicators of neuropsychic stability. The author used the method of a structural grouping of data, psychodiagnostic analysis, methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. The results of the study made it possible to identify the degree of the features of the psychological stability of police officers, to determine the characteristics of personal indicators of stability, to explore the differential indicators of stability. The study found that stable employees have the ability to quickly restore neuropsychological resources, develop skills to change behaviors under environmental pressure, maintain stability and balance in behavior. The revealed features of stable law enforcement officials are consistent with the available data of similar studies conducted by domestic and foreign researchers, but also show the higher degree of indicators of the volitional organization of the personality and volitional self-regulation, self-control, energy, perseverance, determination, self-control. On the practical side, the research offers a possibility to use the established personal characteristics to solve the problems of developing the psychological stability of police officers in the organization of psychological training and raising morale.

psychological stability, law enforcement officials, personality stability, volitional organization of personality, indicators of psychological stability, volitional self-regulation, neuropsychic stability
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