Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The food industry of the Krasnoyarsk region is highly associated with local agricultural raw materials processing, both of plant and animal origin; however, wild resources are practically not used. Moreover, food enterprises are concentrated mainly in the southern regions, while the northern regions of the region, characterized by a fairly low level of anthropogenic impact, are a promising territory for organizing the processing of plant resources, the collection of which is implemented in this area. Thus, studies aimed at substantiating the possibility of using raw plant materials from the regions of the Arctic zone of the Krasnoyarsk region in the production of food products are relevant. The article discusses the possibility of using fruits of Sorbus Sibirica Held. for the purpose of enriching food products with vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. Current directions for the subsequent development of food products with the inclusion of wild fruits in their composition are demonstrated. A possible scheme for processing wild-growing raw materials in the area where its harvesting is implemented is given.

fruits, Sorbus Sibirica Held., Krasnoyarsk region, Arctic zone, food products, promising areas of development, organization of processing, wild plant market, enriched product, daily needs
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