Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article deals with biofilms – a special form of existence of bacteria. We consider the stage of formation of biofilm, regulatory processes ("quorum sensing") occurring in biofilms. By the "effect of quorum" is a transfer of information in the following ways: contact between the cells of microorganisms, the synthesis of diffusing in the medium pheromone-like agents generating bacteria physical (and other electromagnetic) fields. According to the literature, well established role of biofilms at least 60% of all chronic or recurrent infections. Established, that the formation of biofilms clinically significant strains occur on endoprothesis catheters coated medical instruments, ventilators and other medical supplies. There is evidence that the results of experiments according to the most resistant biofilm in a medium capable of forming a gastric strain Helicobacter pylori TK 1402. Also discusses the role of microbial biofilm formation in acute and chronic infections of the ENT - organs. In addition, the results of experiments designed to combat the formation of biofilms.

biofilm matrix "quorum sensing", biocides, colonization.

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