, Russian Federation
UDK 796.89 Прочие виды единоборства и тяжелой атлетики
The author of this article conducted a survey of police officers in order to identify attack and self-defense skills that they use most often in the process of performing operational tasks. The results of the survey showed that in the process of detaining criminals, preferences were given to hand and foot strikes, and locking techniques such as: hammerlocks, wristlocks, leg trips and leg reap. Less often, a throw with a leg grab from behind, hip-roll and an overhead throw were used. The author also explored the reasons for the low hand-to-hand combat skills of employees and suggested ways to improve the effectiveness and quality of training the employees in this field. Comprehensive training of employees to perform operational and service tasks including detaining and disarming a criminal should be carried out considering interdisciplinary connections between the physical and tactical training, and range practice. This requires adjustments to the organization and methodology of conducting complex classes in the listed academic disciplines.
operations reports, analysis of literary sources, operational and service activities, extreme situations, questionnaires
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