employee from 01.01.2015 until now
UDK 343.9 Криминология. Криминалистика
The article discusses the activities of commissions on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of civil servants and resolving conflicts of interest («conflict commissions») in the executive agencies of the Leningrad Region. Conflict commissions review the notifications from civil servants at their meetings in order to combat corruption in the executive brunch of power. Monitoring the performance of conflict commissions substantiates the necessity and effectiveness of their activities as one of the types of anti-corruption activities. The monitoring has identified issues resolved at meetings of conflict commissions. One of the most common issues is the compliance of civil servants with the requirements for official conduct and (or) requirements for the resolving the conflicts of interest (proceedings upon the appropriate notification of a civil servant). The most common violation is non-compliance with the requirements to provide complete and reliable information. When commissions bring the civil servants to disciplinary responsibility for committing corruption offenses, they apply all types of punishments provided for by anti-corruption legislation. The most common types of disciplinary responsibility are reprimand and admonition. The methodological basis of the work consists of the universal dialectical method of cognition and a complex of general scientific and special methods, namely, comparative legal, formal logical and systematic methods of research, as well as the method of statistical analysis.
public civil servant, official conduct, conflict of interest, conflict commission, corruption offense, disciplinary liability
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