Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Introduction. Translating fire-technical terms is a difficult task for a translator, since if the meaning of a word is conveyed incorrectly or inaccurately, the goal of translation - successful intercultural communication - cannot be achieved. The difficulty in achieving translation equivalence lies in linguistic lacuna of corresponding phenomena in Russia and abroad, as well as in the lack of knowledge in professional sphere due to the narrow focus of the field. In view of the need for interaction between Russia and foreign countries on fire safety issues, the problem of finding the right equivalences seems to be one of the most important. Aim. The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of fire-technical terms taken from authentic sources. Methodology and research methods. The study was conducted by random sampling of terms from specialized texts. The authors relied on a comparative method to identify differences between the selected terms in two languages. Results. The article analyzes the translation principles and transformations that are most often used when translating fire-technical texts. The conclusion of the expediency of applying this or that technique is made, and it is shown that the price that should be paid for a translation mistake is too high. Scientific novelty. This work is intended to draw attention to lexical gaps formed in translation studies due to lack of knowledge in the sphere of fire-technical terms interlingual correspondence. Practical significance. The study contributes to the development of efficient communication between professionals from different countries in the field of fire safety. The article may be of interest not only to translators, but also to technical experts, as it allows comparing instrumentarium used in different countries.
scientific-technical translation, terminology, interlanguage communication, fire-technical vocabulary, translation transformations
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