UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
The process of professional training of international students faces the necessity of introducing the conception of multicultural and multilingual education. The study is based on linguo-cultural and personality oriented methodological approaches. There are several factors that are to be taken into account when training international students in the multicultural academic educational space, namely, their age, intellectual and cultural background, peculiarities of the native culture and language. The results of the study show that special attention is to be given to the validity of the information acquired for cross-cultural communication in the professional sphere. In the multicultural context of the Russian university productive communication can only be achieved via active mediation of a specially trained teacher who secures interaction of students with different cultural, academic and social backgrounds. Language-mediator becomes one of the most powerful instruments in the process.
professional language training, international students, multicultural education, professional communication, cross-cultural education, mediation, language-mediator
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