Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the legal protection of forests and improving the legal regulation of forest management in Russia. It is focused on the Forest Code of the Russian Federation including amendments and supplements. Forests belong to one of the main natural resources of the Russia and of the world. The state regulation of forest relations acquires the great importance in terms of the forestry reforming. Special attention to the improvement of the legal regulation of forest management is associated with the most urgent problems of the application of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. First and foremost problems in forest legislation are the lack of forests protection against the fires, numerous ambiguities in the questions concerning disposition of the linear forests objects, improvement of forest protection, forest supervision and control, lack of clear delimitation of between the Russian Federation and its subjects in the field of forest management, the imperfection of the procedure of forest auctions, the need to strengthen the legal barriers to illegal chopping and export of timber. The main recent changes in forest legislation of Russia are analyzed and the proposals about the directions of its further improvement are drawn.

Forest, forest law, forest legislation, forest using, forest property, forest lease, wood.

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