graduate student
UDK 340.12 Направления и теории права. Правовые школы. (Философия права). Теории государства и права Сюда относится как литература представителей отдельных направлений и школ, так и литература критически к ним относящаяся. Работы о правовых системах и все правовые системы в определенные исторические эпохи относятся под индексом 340.15, например,
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the transnational police activity of modern states. The objectives of the study are to analyze how the political reactions to the globalization of the social order influenced the structure and scope of the police activities, its organizational culture, priorities and processes. Author analyses the key stockholders in the international police cooperation, the role of non-commercial organizations, the methods of interaction in the field of combating organized crime, cyber-crime, illegal migration and other international offences, as well as police functions in the spheres of peace and safety maintenance in the post-war zones, peacemaking support, reaction to transnational emergencies and the search for missing people abroad. In the course of the study, the author concludes that even though the idea of an international police force has a long history, it only became a reality under the auspices of the United Nations Organization in the 1960s. A powerful global police structure has been created. Common databases and common police guidelines guarantee an interaction and joint investigation activities in all continental regions. Despite the fact that the necessity of the international cooperation is obvious, the creation of the successful scheme for such an interaction is still a challenging issue. Legal and political systems, standards, procedures related to justice vary in different countries. Local police forces possess varying levels of competence and budget in order to support activities ensuring the national security.
police cooperation, association, population of the country, cross-border cooperation, organized crime
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