, Russian Federation
In the article, the authors present a new direction of health-saving education in Russia-ecological races. This direction has not received the status of a sporting event, but is defined by the organizers as a social event with a certain idea of international partnership in the format of plotting. The historical perspective of Plogging allows us to compare the ideological system of cleanliness of the territory in settlements during the USSR period. The authors identify the levels of Plogging in Sweden, taking into account the territorial development in Russia and its features. Plogging is trying to develop as a volunteer movement in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg with the organization of the route through social networks. For the first time, children's plogging was organized in the quest format, in a playful way that promotes motivation of ecological culture and ergonomic living environment on the territory of residence. Ecological races should be aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, nature conservation and the formation of ergonomics.
ecological races, ergonomic biomechanics, biomechanics of movements, ergonomic environment, plogging
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