Information and psychological stability of police officers: on the issue of definition of the concept and conceptual and methodological approaches of the study
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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the topical and underdeveloped problem of the psychological resistance of policeofficers to negative information and psychological impact. A theoretical review of the sources of destructive influence in the conditions of modern society and the degree of their influence on law enforcement officers is given. The author considers the scientific novelty and practical significance of the study of information and psychological stability ofpolice officers using innovative psychodiagnostic methods in order to increase the efficiency of police work and the quality of the system of police psychological support.The subject of the study is the psychodynamic mechanisms that ensure the psychological resistance of police officers to the negative information and psychological impact. The methodological basis of the study, along with the general scientific principles and principles of the development of the psyche in behavior and activity, is the I-structural sychodynamic model of the personality of G. Ammon and the concept of values of S. Schwartz. From the standpoint of the modern psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) approach, psychological resistance to negative information impact is considered as the degree of predominance of a constructive self-identity over a destructive-deficient one, as well as the dominance of humanistic values in the structure of value orientations of police officers. As a hypothesis of the study, it was suggested that the psychological resistance of police officers to negative informational and psychological impact is due to a number of intentional and psychodynamic characteristics of the individual, among which the qualities of self-identity (constructiveness, destructiveness, deficiency) and dominant values play a leading role.

information and psychological impact, psychological stability, Self-identity, Self-structure of personality, constructivity, destructive, deficient, values, infodemia, Psychodynamically oriented personal questionnaire (POPQ) «Resource»
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