Features of the investigative activities performed by police units detecting cold cases
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
About two million crimes are registered annually in the Russian Federation, and about half of them remain unsolved. At the end of the calendar year, unsolved crimes are transferred to the category of «unsolved crimes of the past years». In accordance with the Russian criminal procedure legislation, after the expiration of the procedural terms the employee who conducted the investigation is obliged to suspend the procedural activity, i.e. to stop investigating. At the same time, police officers authorized to carry out investigations have the right and, moreover, are obliged to take measures to solve the crimes. The presented article is dedicated to the problem of solving the cold cases by the investigative police units. The authors of thearticle analyzed the existing practice of the investigative police units in resolving cold cases and procedural activities to investigate crimes of this category, as well as the state of legal regulation by departmental acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on that matter. Based on the analysis, the authors make proposals to improve the process of analyzing the materials of unsolved criminal cases, consider the issues of planning and information and analytical support for investigative activities to solve crimes of the past years.

investigative police units, crime detection, cold cases
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