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Abstract (English):
As they come of age, orphaned children have the right for state-funded housing. Unfortunately, the procedure still remains a complicated legal issue, and graduates of orphanages spent years in the accommodation waiting list. In this regard, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are striving to increase the effectiveness of regional policy, but the number of orphans in need of housing is increasing. In most regions, state authorities transfer their powers to provide housing for orphans to local authorities. The research objective was to analyze the normative security of this transfer and to identify the problems that prevent orphans from obtaining housing. The institutional approach served as basis for a comparative legal analysis of related regulatory documents and practices. The legal and organizational problems of registering orphans in need of housing include the shortcomings of legal support and municipal services. The article introduces a list of inconsistencies found in federal, regional, and municipal legal acts. It also contains some recommendations on how to improve the regional legislation on the transfer in question.

children without parental support, social support of children, social and legal protection of children, state powers, municipal service, housing rights, housing provision
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