Lugansk, Luhansk People's Republic
The article features the changes in business environment that bring about new approaches to marketing. The role of the consumer undergoes various transformations as a result of the marketing evolution. This study focuses on the consumer as a holistic person, their role in the activities of an enterprise, and the evolution of marketing concepts. The author interprets the concept of relationship marketing and the approach to consumers as participants in joint creativity. The research relied on the data from the official website of the Lugansk Pipe Fittings Plant, which describes its self-positioning, corporate values, etc. The author believes that vision, values, environmental awareness, and consumer safety of the company can affect the worldview of the consumer. This approach strengthens the credibility and strategic future of the company. The article will be of interest to specialists in marketing, management, and sustainable development.
marketing concept, relationship marketing, machine-building enterprise, enterprise activity, value chain, consumer trust, co-creation
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