Stavropol', Russian Federation
Stavropol', Russian Federation
Objects of research in the sphere of didactics and private techniques can be both the learning process and its result. In the national pedagogical literature, issues such as the principles of organization, the functions and stages of exercising control, pedagogical requirements to it, methods of control, etc. However, despite the studies carried out, the problem of control in training and evaluation of its results is still far from its solution. On the basis of theoretical analysis of modern trends in the development of teaching practice in the national higher school shows one of the ways to improve the process of pedagogical control through the use of computer technology. On the basis of didactic design and test methods in the article the model representation of students' knowledge control in support of computer technology: information-subject and operating, and the results of a pedagogical experiment with master's students are presented.
content skills, instrumental skills, computer technologies, control of students' knowledge, design
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