employee from 01.01.2001 to 01.01.2022
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 635.6 Растения со съедобными семенами и плодами
GRNTI 65.09 Пищевое сырье и вспомогательные материалы
Sprouts of cereals and legumes are the quintessence of the plant in terms of nutritional and beneficial properties. The high nutritional and biological value is determined by the balanced content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enzymes; the rich vitamin composition, the presence of physiologically significant macro- and microelements, bioflavonoids and polyphenols indicates immunomodulatory and immuno-strengthening properties of sprouts. The objects of this study were sprouts of a popular culture in Asian countries - mash beans (Vigna radiate L.). The research is aimed at studying the chemical composition of mash bean sprouts, determining the content and biological value of sprouts proteins, studying the antioxidant activity of their aqueous extracts. Analytical determinations of the most significant nutritional and biologically active substances of fresh and dried sprouts, as well as the antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of dried sprouts were carried out according to generally accepted and author's methods and GOST standards. The biological value of the sprouts proteins was determined using the calculation method. The results of the study of the protein content in dependence of time of germination of beans showed its maximum accumulation on the 5th day of germination (26.7 g / 100 g of dry matter). Also, the chemical composition of 100 g of dried 5-day sprouts is represented by fats (23.8 g), sugars (28.1 g), dietary fibers (9.35 g), bioflavonoids (46.76 mg), polyphenols (1.4 mg) and vitamin C (113.7 mg). A study by UV and visible spectroscopy of antiradical activity (ARA) using a model radical DPHG (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl) of aqueous extracts of dried 5-day sprouts showed that when the extract is added to the solution of the radical DPHG for 30 minutes, the radical absorption value decreased by 30% from the initial value. These results indicated a good antiradical/antioxidant activity of the extracts of sprouts due to the presence in extracts of compounds withreducing properties. The biological value of the proteins of mash sprouts, determined by the calculated method of comparing the amino acid compositions of the proteins of the object with the amino acid composition of the "ideal protein", was 72%, which indicates the proximity of this indicator to its values for animal proteins. The calculated value of the utilitarianism coefficient (0.91) indicated a good assimilation of the proteins of the mash bean sprouts by the organism. The chemical composition data allow us to recommend sprouts, both fresh and dried, ground to a powdery state, as an independent food or as an ingredient of various culinary products.
mash beans (mung) - Vigna radiate L., sprouts, chemical composition, vegetable proteins, amino acid composition, biological value, aqueous extracts, antioxidant activity
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