Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The need for research is caused by the influence of the development of modern trends in the creative economy (knowledge economy) on the education system. The aim of the study is to develop the theoretical provisions of the innovative format of education in the conditions of the information and creative economy. Based on the goal, the tasks of the study were determined and solved: an analysis was made of the essence and trends in the development of the creative economy for the formation of skills that a new type of specialist should possess; the influence of technological trends on the labor market is revealed in order to use the promising landscape of creative professions. The article systematizes the review of the terms "creative economy" and "creative industries", used in professional literature and in normative sources. The historical aspects of the post-industrial development of the economy in Russia from mass production to personal production are revealed based on the requirements for human resources. The study used methods of comparison, generalization and critical evaluation. The practical significance of the topic is based on the international experience of integration using the Global Innovation Index and the Index of Innovative Cities. Based on the identification of the specifics of the creative economy, the provisions of the Concept for the Development of Creative (Creative) Industries until 2030, promising areas for the creative economy to human resources are identified. The results obtained are accompanied by elements of scientific novelty: it is proposed to integrate the development trends of the creative economy in order to activate and effectively use the creative human potential, which is an important factor in the stabilization and sustainable development of the modern economy. The results of the study can be used as a theoretical basis for further research on this topic, in the practical activities of entrepreneurs and business owners who work in the field of creative industries, as well as individual research results can be used in the educational process of universities in the preparation of bachelors, masters in various fields.

human capital, intellectual property, creative economy, innovation index, creative industry, digitalization of the education system

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