Kazan, Russian Federation
This article features the demographic situation and its impact on the economic processes in the Republic of Tatarstan, in particular, the decrease in the number of able-bodied population and the issues of sustainable economic development of the region in the future. The author analyzed the local migration processes and the economic situation in the Republic of Tatarstan. The research objective was to explain the decline in the population of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2019–2021. The article introduces a comparative analysis of official statistical data on demography, economy, and number of school students in 2019–2021. The conducted research clearly demonstrates the on-going migration from this economically prosperous region to larger cities. The annual students’ migration eventually resulted in the loss of labor force. The author believes that statistical data on the number of school students can predict the scale of migration and the future of the economy of a particular region.
demographic situation, economy of the Republic, population migration, Republic of Tatarstan, able-bodied population, sustainable economic development
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