, Russian Federation
The purpose of the article is to reveal the possibilities of information modeling of technological processes of effective infocommunication systems, which allows increasing the reliability and quality of systems. As a rule, service order flows are taken as poisson streams, which is true not in all cases, therefore, it is necessary to consider a modification of the Kolmogorov equation in order to obtain a system of equations that are valid for any variances, which will allow them to be used in any supply chains. It is shown that the information approach to modeling systems allows in real conditions to refine the algorithm or simplify and speed up the procedure of finding a solution by using the method of queuing chains. Both purely production (technological) processes and information processing processes in telecommunication and computing complexes can be connected with such chains. Consequently, the model developed will allow changing the conditions for setting the task of network modernization and finding the optimal solution. The prospects of the method are shown, since it is designed for the effective use of technical means in the construction of infocommunication systems.
information modeling, queuing system, order flows, Poisson distribution, Markov chain, dispersion, technological process
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