Legal nature of other measures of the criminal legal character related to the limitation of the rights of persons committing crimes against the interests of the Russian Federation
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Abstract (English):
The punitive system of combating crime that has been formed to date, according to the generally recognized position, is outdated, does not meet modern challenges and, in general, the conditions of reality. In the current conditions, other measures of a criminal law nature can have an additional effect on the perpetrators of a crime, alt-hough not punitive, but nevertheless, of an extremely important nature. This direction of development of criminal law influence is considered a priority, while it is quite complex and extremely poorly developed from a theoretical point of view. This is especially true of the direction of such influence, depending on such categories as, for example, the person-ality of the offender or the direction of the crime committed (against the person, the foun-dations of the constitutional system, etc.). Unfortunately, it should be stated that the domestic legislator has not yet paid any attention to any of the factors that could be influ-enced by the implementation of the principle of individualization of responsibility. From here, the very idea of a different impact so far is of the most general nature, and the measures themselves do not find an appropriate place in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, having the scholastic nature of their origin and location in the law.

responsibility, other impact, punishment, other measures of a criminal law nature, crime
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