The role of S. P. Yakovlev in organizing the work of educational and correctional shelters for female minors with deviant behavior in Russia
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on archival materials, the article for the first time examines the historiography of the life path of S. P. Yakovlev, a statesman and public figure, book publisher, writer, journalist, philanthropist. Particular attention is paid to his role in the activities of the correction, upbringing and education of underage beggar girls who have broken the law. S. P. Yakovlev became the organizer, trustee of the first specialized educational and correctional shelter for them in Russia, the developer of the shelter’s charter. He presented and defended advanced psychological and pedagogical ideas regarding work with this category of minors with deviant behavior, the experience of the shelter in numerous publications in magazines, reports on the activities of the Bolshevsky shelter, reports at international prison congresses, congresses of representatives of educational and correctional institutions in Russia. Within the framework of the activities of the Bolshevsky shelter, he raised and resolved questions about the features of the selection, work, and functional duties of the staff of the shelter; about correctional shelters as professional trade and educational institutions, with the necessary amount of school knowledge within the framework of the program of elementary schools; on taking into account the individual characteristics and abilities of pupils when teaching crafts with the provision of employment opportunities for them after leaving the shelter; about the need for patronage as a duty of the shelter, taking into account the knowledge about the individual psychological characteristics of the patronized, the reasons that led to the offenses, about the degree of correction by the time of leaving the shelter. Recognition of his merits was the renaming of the Bolshevsky shelter in 1900 to Yakovlevsky.

S. P. Yakovlev, female minors, educational shelters, staff, patronage, education, international prison congresses
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