Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the experience of applying the method of forming semantic reading in the lessons of literacy and mathematics in elementary school. On the example of a fragment of a literacy lesson in the first grade, the phased use of the “commented reading” technique as an essential part of developing semantic reading skills is considered. The necessity of preliminary preparation of the teacher for the use of such technology is emphasized. It is shown how it is possible to use various means of visualization, in particular, the possibilities of an interactive whiteboard, color marking of texts, for the successful development of the ability of younger students to highlight the main idea of the text for the most complete understanding of it, as well as to find, analyze, interpret the factual information presented in text mathematical tasks.

functional literacy; semantic reading technology; commented reading; text marking; using an interactive whiteboard; text math problem

1. Universal'nye uchebnye deystviya kak rezul'tat obucheniya v nachal'noy shkole: soderzhanie i metodika formirovaniya universal'nyh uchebnyh deystviy mladshego shkol'nika: kniga dlya uchitelya /N.F. Vinogradova, E.E. Kochurova, M.I. Kuznecova [i dr.]; pod red. N.F. Vinogradovoy. – M.: Izd-vo Istituta strategii razvitiya obrazovaniya RAO, 2016. – S. 143–215.

2. Rybnikova M.A. Ocherki po metodike literaturnogo chteniya / 3-e izd. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1985. – 288 s.

3. Soboleva O. Besedy o chtenii, ili Kak nauchit' detey ponimat' tekst: posobie dlya uchiteley nachal'nyh klassov. – M.: Balass, 2013. –141 s.

4. Universal'nye uchebnye deystviya kak rezul'tat obucheniya v nachal'noy shkole: soderzhanie i metodika formirovaniya universal'nyh uchebnyh deystviy mladshego shkol'nika: kniga dlya uchitelya / N.F. Vinogradova, E.E. Kochurova, M.I. Kuznecova [i dr.]; pod red. N.F. Vinogradovoy. – M.: Izd-vo Istituta strategii razvitiya obrazovaniya RAO, 2016. – S. 143–215.

5. Rybnikova M.A. Ocherki po metodike literaturnogo chteniya / 3-e izd. – M.: Prosveschenie, 1985. – 288 s.

6. Soboleva O. Besedy o chtenii, ili Kak nauchit' detey ponimat' tekst: posobie dlya uchiteley nachal'nyh klassov. – M.: Balass, 2013. –141 s.

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