Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of spatial differentiation of the basic conditions for the development of agricultural production and the identification of production and economic features of agricultural zoning of the Volgograd region, the parameters of which determine the development of priority areas and tools for the territorial development of the agrarian economy of the region. Methods. The methodological basis of this article is formed by the general scientific principles of the territorial (spatial) approach; methods of analysis – computational and constructive, system analysis, expert assessments, economic and statistical; the basic research tool is agricultural zoning, the practical use of which makes it possible to identify peculiar territorial formations with their characteristic production and economic features. Scientific novelty. The presented generalization of the spatial differentiation of the basic conditions for the development of agricultural production in the region made it possible to identify the production and economic features of agricultural zoning, manifested in: pronounced natural zonality of the distribution of agricultural productive forces; changes in the nature and production and economic proportions of agricultural production when moving from north to south and from west to east; local manifestations of contrasts “center – periphery” in the countryside. Results. Within the framework of the substantiation of the production and economic specifics of the zoning of rural territories of the Volgograd region, the parameters of specialization, settlement of the population and its self-sufficiency with agricultural food, as well as the efficiency of the functioning of agricultural production were investigated. Processing of a set of socio-economic indicators made it possible to argue the priorities of territorial development of agricultural production in agricultural areas, the essence of which is: the need for regulatory influence from the state to stimulate the processes of diversification of activities and compliance with scientifically sound crop rotations on the most fertile lands of the region; comprehensive investment (concessional lending and targeted project financing, subsidies and subsidies) and infrastructure (development of land reclamation, cooperation, logistics and processing) support for livestock and feed production in the arid areas of the region.

agro-climatic conditions, agricultural zoning, allocation of productive forces, specialization, level of self-sufficiency, economic efficiency, development priorities, state regulation
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