The purpose of this work was to study clinical efficiency of the periosteal corticosteroid injections, a monophasic high-frequency low-amplitude electrical neuro-stimulation, a monophasic low-frequency high-amplitude electrical neuro-stimulation and the acupuncture in the treatment of fibularis syndrome (FS) in pa-tients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2). Materials and methods. From 2004 to 2014, 183 patients (121 women and 62 men) with a diagnosis of FS suffering from DM-2 in the stage of compensation were under medical supervision. All patients (27 people – control group) had a pharmacotherapy for treatment FS and DM-2. 78 patients had additionally a course periosteal corticosteroid injections (the 1-st group), 25 patients had a course monophasic high-frequency low-amplitude electrical neuro-stimulation (the 2-nd group), 29 people – a course monophasic high-frequency low-amplitude electrical neuro-stimulation; 24 patients – a course of acupuncture (the 4-th group). Pain, neurological status and electromyographic state peroneal nerves were studied before and after treatment. Conclusion. Periosteal corticosteroid injections in combination with TF are the most effective method in the treatment of FS in patients with DM-2. The reduction in pain, regression of the inflammatory process in the peroneal nerve and reducing the severity EMG violations were noted. The second highest decrease of pain syn-drome is the combination of the TF MVN the TENS, motor deficit and EMG - violations in the background of this treatment weren’t significantly changed. The use of the TENS in combination with TF and RTIs in combina-tion with TF reveals a reduction in pain, motor deficits and the severity of the inflammatory process in the pero-neal nerve, without significant changes of the EMG.
fibularis syndrome (FS), periosteal corticosteroid injection, monophasic high-frequency low-amplitude electroneurostimulation, monophasic low-frequency high-amplitude electroneurostimulation.
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