Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Creation of a global numerical model of ionospheric electric fields with the possibility of more detailed description of their small-scale features in some limited subareas. Methods: Formulation of a boundary value task with accounting for underlined subdomain for to describe subgrid scale features and the task solution by modern numerical method. Results: Model testing was conducted. In particular, stable numerical solution was obtained for the case of small-scale localized conductivity increase due to additional ionization of the ionosphere by an auroral ray. Practical significance: The model will make it possible to qualify the picture of ionospheric electric field global distribution in those limited subareas which for, there is fuller set of experimental data on the distribution of conductivity and field-aligned currents.

Ionosphere, electric fields, electric potential, ionospheric conductivity, field-aligned currents, subgrid scale, numerical modeling, variation-difference method
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