Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the language of public relations (PR) discourse, which conveys both universal and culture-specific values in the professional activities of PR councilors. Within the framework of modern communication studies, the focus is on the change of value orientations caused by the paradigmatic transformations of communicative thinking in the new era promoted by the Western world. The objective the article is to analyze the particularities of modern value concepts implemented in the language of PR specialists, both at the local and global levels. The methodology of the work is based on linguistic research and achievements in the field of communication studies of Russian and foreign theorists of leading scientific schools. Research methods include content analysis, continuous sampling, philological analysis, as well as general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. Modern PR communication participated in values shift and modification of ideological ideas through communicative practices inherent in PR discourse. In conclusion, it has been found out that new value concepts within the framework of PR discourse are a new volatile reality of Western society, which must be studied to expand interdisciplinary knowledge and increase the pragmatic component of communicative research. The novelty of the research lies in the identification of ideological shifts embodied in the practice and language of PR communication, which also determines the practical significance of the presented work. In conclusion, it is noted that public relations specialists need to create messages taking into account the transformations taking place in modern global society. The obtained research results can be used in the process of teaching the theory of communication studies, intercultural communication and public relations writing practice.

pragmatics of communication studies, PR language, values and culture vectors, cancel culture

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