The article examines the legal nature of a secondment contract. The investigation of this issue is of high theoretical and practical importance. From the theoretical point of view it is important to understand the place of such contract in the system of the contract law. From the practical point of view it is necessary in order to resolve the issue of the applicable law and the interpretation of such contract. To determine the legal nature of a secondment contract, the article investigates the issue whether this type of contract can be considered as a «mixed contract». Further the article investigates the issue whether a secondment contract is a paid service contract or a separate type of contract. While investigating this issue, a comparative-legal research method was used. In the research process the author reviews legislative definitions of the abovementioned contracts and terms, used in legislation, as well as law-enforcement and judicial practice related to this issue. Besides, the author analyses the subject matter of the secondment contract. As a result of the undertaken study, the author concludes that a secondment contract is a comprehensive contract regulated by the Russian legislation. This contract is a new type of contract.
Legal nature, secondment contract, mixed contract, paid service contract, independent type of a contract, subject matter of the contract, service, delegation of the employer’s powers, labor conrtact.
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